Thursday 14 February 2013

February 14th

This is the third Valentines Day I've spent as a single girl living in Paris. Over the last few years I have tackled this day in various states and attitudes. Last year I was in a post break-up shock of crying, rose wine and repeats of The Notebook. The year before I made a stella, over-positive effort to celebrate love and not mind that I was away from everyone I loved. This year, I am dedicating my Valentines Day post to my partner in crime, and on this blog.

Belle and I met on February 14th 2007 at our university interview. I thought her name was Katie and that she was tall, tanned and beautiful. She liked my dress and thought I was cool because I had an older boyfriend in Manchester who I was darting off to see straight after. That day changed everything. It was the starting point of something I don’t think either of us even knew existed. I think it’s the reason I am still so fond of Valentines Day.

There is no comparison to the love you have for your best friend. There is also no easy way to explain it. Boys have come and gone but through it all we have both been right there, voices of encouragement, support and reason. We’ve had fights, we’ve been on adventures, we’ve had big conversations and created new memories. We share everything, each others families, friends, ideas and experiences. As I said in her 21st speech, us not being as we are would be like losing my right arm, I’d live but it would be really fucking difficult for a long time. Today is a good day to be grateful, to say thank you for everything you have taught me.

Happy Anniversary J-Lo, let’s keep going x

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